INFACT aims at combining the development and test of innovative, non-invasive minerals exploration technologies with an assessment of their social acceptance. For this purpose, three reference sites will be established in Germany (Geyer), Finland (Sakatti) and Spain (Cobre Las Cruces, Seville and Minas de Ríotinto, Huelva). Public meetings have been scheduled at all sites in June and early July before the first technology trials will be conducted in August and September.
These stakeholder meetings were organised with the aim to inform the public and key stakeholders about the INFACT project in general, the research carried out, the exploration technologies used and the key activities planned in the surroundings of each of the reference sites. The meetings also aimed at collecting opinions and concerns of citizens, local authorities and other stakeholders in order to improve the communication and dialogue for all upcoming activities.
With 10 to 15 attendants per event, the participation was relatively low, but the participants expressed high interest in the project activities and the helicopter flights which are scheduled for summer 2018 and 2019. The public meetings can therefore be considered as a key step for the establishment of a constructive and open dialogue with locals, before the technology trials will start in August. More information on the upcoming helicopter flights and further activities at the local level will follow soon.